
Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time to read my story and share in my sorrow. Writing here has helped me feel less alone and has allowed me to process a lot of bottled up feelings.

My Story

I started this blog when I found out I was pregnant, expecting my first child. This outlines my feelings, my adventures and my life as an expecting mother. Unfortunately, I lost my baby at 23 weeks of gestation. This blog is now about how I'm coping with this lost. Here is my story: The Scariest, Happiest, Saddest Day of our Lives.

Helping Someone Else

If you're visiting this blog because someone you know has lost their baby, please read my blog post entitled "What to Say to Someone Who Has Lost a Baby". Also, if you're the one who lost your child, you can refer your friends and family to this post and help them help you.

If you want to try to understand what your loved one is going through, take a look at some of these videos.

Songs and Quotes

As I deal with my grief, I've come across a couple of songs and quotes that somehow make me feel better.